Kauai United Way Campaign On-Going

The 2014 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) period – originally scheduled to close at the end of October – has been extended through December 15th of this year. This means that employee of the Federal government, worldwide, will have more time to ensure that their charitable contributions will go to serve Kauai’s whole community when they designate Kauai United Way (KUW) as the recipient of their payroll deduction donations. Kauai United Way is among the approved charities that appear alphabetically in the CFC book, where Kauai United Way’s CFC number is listed as 71581.

Meanwhile, Kauai United Way’s overall Annual Campaign, of which the CFC is a subset, continues to progress well toward the record-setting goal of $700,000 in celebration of KUW’s 7 decades of service to the people of Kauai. The Campaign has passed the one-third mark and is progressing at about the same pace as last year. “We know with a strong push, we can get there,” said executive director Scott Giarman. “In fact we have to, because it’s critical to keep up with the increasing demand for social services on Kauai. It’s in everyone’s benefit that we do so.”

Kauai United Way is our island’s umbrella charitable organization. One contribution helps our whole island. Money raised on Kauai stays on Kauai. Kauai United Way’s Participating Agencies offer a diverse array of dozens of social service programs that save lives daily and help tens of thousands of Kauai people every year. When those in need in our community get the professional help they deserve, every one of us is better off. Let’s all live united – the Kauai United Way! For more information, visit kauaiunitedway.org or call 245-2043.

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