Music Performance Workshop
Body, Rhythm & Sound

Three Berklee College of Music professors — the campus is headquartered in Boston, MA and has strong ties to Kaua`i — invite the public free of charge to join them in an afternoon of musical exploration through rhythm and singing. The event will take place on Friday, January 4 at 2 p.m. in the Church of the Pacific, 4520 Kapaka St., in Princeville.

The musical strengths of Jon Hazilla (percussion), Jeannie Gagne (voice), Stan Strickland (voice) and Danny Morris (bass) lie in diverse genres of musical styles and songwriting, encompassing everything from r&b to jazz to folk. Their strong creative bond is formed through a desire to push past boundaries and a shared focus on healing, spirituality and the organic process.

This workshop will explore the above ideas through interactive, rhythm-based exercises and activities that incorporate sound and movement. Participants will learn how to engage with the sounds and rhythms of the world around them, embracing and honoring the music within.

This special workshop is open to persons of all ages, levels and forms of experience. All that’s needed is an open mind. Bring an instrument and play along!

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